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Anesthesia Preoperative Evaluation Clinic

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Anesthesia Preoperative Evaluation Clinic

Date, Time & Place of Clinic

Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am – 3.00 pm

Location: Outpatient Surgical Unit, 2nd floor, Siam Boromarajakumari Building

Contact Us: 1415 ext. 2213  

Clinical Specialist

  • Nattapong   Lepananon, MD.

  • Duenpen  Horatanaruang, MD.

  • Sutthirak  Kuruhongsa, MD.

  • Trisana   Soontrakom, MD.

Our services

We provide preoperative evaluation for patients who need to undergo outpatient surgery, diagnostic procedures and other procedures under anesthesia.

Instructions to see the doctor at our clinic

  1. A patient will be sent to our clinic for preoperative evaluation before surgical appointment, or procedures related to anesthesia.
  2. An anesthesiologist will evaluate and give advice to the patients before sending back to their primary clinic.
  3. Additional examinations will be added in medical records file for the patient’s primary doctor to proceed.