Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic helps to restore physical functions of children with body movements and extremities problems such as weakness, spasticity, and contracture. We also offer assessment and treatment on swallowing problem or any conditions that affect activities of their daily living, such as cerebral palsy, musculoskeletal and joint disorders, and genetic diseases.
‘Vojta therapy and diagnostic’, an acknowledged method and is commonly used, especially in Germany is offered at our clinic
to treat patients with central nervous system and musculoskeletal system disorders.
The treatment plan is developed by multidisciplinary team consisting of oral medication, anti-spastic drug injection, physical therapy program, occupational therapy program, orthosis, wheelchair, and gait aid.
Please contact registration counter on the 1st floor, Siam Boromrajakumari Building.
To reschedule your appointment: Dial 1415 ext. 2314 or 090-090-7801 on Monday – Friday between 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm