Hotline 1415
24 hours

Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic

Our Services > Departments & Services > Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic

Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic

Date, Time & Place of Clinic

Clinic Hours: Mondays to Fridays (8.00 am – 4.00 pm)

Location: 2nd floor, Mahitalathibetsra Building

Please show your appointment slip to the clinic front desk before 3.00 pm.

Contact: 1415 ext. 2418 or +66-66-113-6680

*To reschedule your appointment, please call 1415 Ext. 2418 from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Line Official Account: @319cdwyd ,or scan QR code


Clinical Specialists

  • Benjarat Mahattanawongwarn, CPO
  • Saowapak Harasuk, CPO

Our services

Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinic provides treatment to children with myasthenia (weakness of arm or leg muscles), muscle tension, juvenile arthritis, and foot deformities. We offer a custom-made splints and insoles to prevent joint stiffness and reduce pain so children can efficiently do activities of their daily living.

Instructions to see the doctor at our clinic

New Patients

  1. Please contact a registration counter on the 1st floor, Siam Boromrajakumari Building to fill out the medical history form.
  2. See a physician at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic or Orthopedic Clinic for diagnosing and designing artificial limbs (prostheses) or braces (orthoses). 
  3. Meet our certified Orthotist and Prosthetist (CPO)

for orthosis assessment, measurement and casting (approximately 1 hour)

  1. Receive an appointment slip to pick up your prosthetic/orthosis
  2. Make a payment.

*It usually takes 7-10 business days to receive your prosthetic/orthosis. If many orders await, it could take up to 3 months.

Patients with appointments

  1. Please show your appointment slip at counter no. 2, Office of Medical Records, 1st floor, Siam Boromrajakumari Building.
  2. See the CPO for fitting your orthosis. Further adjustments take approximately 1 hour.
  3. Make a payment.
  4. Your doctor will ensure it fits you and function properly.
  5. If you are not satisfied with the fit, you can make an appointment directly with the CPO.


* If you need a new prosthetic/orthosis, please make an appointment with your doctor for reassessment and redesign a new device.